Washington Post Column

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The real winner of the House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia

Washington Post

He violated our sovereignty, influenced our elections and now gets to watch us do nothing.

We can’t let Trump go down Putin’s path

Washington Post

Russia’s experience shows why Americans must act now to safeguard democratic institutions.

Dear Trump: Defending democracy is no vice

Washington Post

So far the president-elect has had little to say on the subject of democracy. He should use his inaugural address to clarify his stance.

My big question about Russian interference in the 2016 election

Washington Post

Why didn't Russian interference in domestic American affairs backfire on Russia? by Daniel W. Drezner.

America needs to play both the short and long game in cybersecurity

Washington Post

The incoming Trump administration must articulate a new doctrine for response.

Let’s get the facts right on foreign involvement in our elections

Washington Post

America needs a bipartisan investigation into the extent of foreign involvement in the 2016 elections.

Our allies are afraid. Here’s how Trump can reassure them.

Washington Post

His wild-card approach to foreign policy won’t sit well with European and Asian partners.

Trump is right: The United States needs electoral reform

Washington Post

The Republican presidential candidate is right to note deficiencies in the American electoral process, he's just talking about the wrong ones.

Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan could not be more different on foreign policy

Washington Post

Reagan saw America as a powerful beacon of democracy and hope; Trump’s policies would weaken and isolate the nation.

Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

Washington Post

The GOP nominee champions many foreign policies that the Russian president supports.