Russia's War in Ukraine: Discussion with Ambassador Kristjan Prikk and former Ambassador Mike McFaul
Stanford University Libraries
Sending Ukraine aid should be ‘paramount objective,’ sanctions expert says
Professor Michael McFaul on International Relations
MIT Video Productions
Putin's War in Ukraine: Causes and Consequences with Ambassador Michael McFaul
Burton K Wheeler Center
Harvard International Review
Spring 2006
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
CDDRL, Stanford
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
The pro-Putin wing of the GOP echoes Kremlin disinformation
MSNBC Deadline White House
Washington Post
Washington Post
International reactions to 2008 war anniversary condemn Russia's actions, support Georgia's territorial integrity
Putin ‘one step from war' - Will Russia invade Ukraine and spark World War 3?
Putin could spark war in Europe by invading Ukraine, says former US ambassador
The Independent
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
Washington Post
Foreign Affairs
Washington Post
Harvard Kennedy School - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Freeman Spogli Institute
Routledge Handbook of Russian Security
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
Washington Post
Hoover Institution: Governance in an Emerging New World
Foreign Affairs
Washington Post
Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics
Голос Америки
World Class
Testimony before U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing: “U.S. Policy Towards Putin’s Russia.”
West Must Think Hard (about aid to Russia)
Moscow Times
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
Democracy in U.S. Security Strategy
Democracy in U.S. Security Strategy
New Challenges to Democratization
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World
The Brown Journal of World Affairs
Fall/Winter 2008
Medvedev Should Move Beyond Autocracy
Energy Tribune
CDDRL, Stanford
Putin? Really? Time Magazine Gives Vladimir Putin Way Too Much Credit for Russia’s Economic Recovery
The Legend and Myth of Putin
New Times
Publius: A Journal of Federalism
Russian Liberalism in Retreat
Putin's Empire
The Promise of Democracy Promotion
Power and Superpower: Global Leadership and Exceptionalism in the 21st Century
Venikom po Sovky
Moskovskii Komsomolets
End of Partnership
Harvard International Review
Spring 2006
After-Orange Ukraine
Brown Journal of International Affairs
Winter/Spring 2006
With All Our Might: A Progressive Strategy for Defeating Jihadism and Defending Liberty
Ukraine’s Democratic Breakthrough in Comparative Perspective
Revolution in Orange
The CQ Researcher
The Washington Quarterly
Spring 2005
Developments in Russian Politics (6th Edition)
Russian Reform in 2005
World and cChina 2005
Reporters Paved Way for a Freer Ukraine
San Jose Mercury News
The Weekly Standard
How U.S. Should Take on Iran
San Jose Mercury News
Moscow and Washington Need a Mega Project
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Engaging Russia
International Herald Tribune
Ukraina—pered dolenosim vyborom
Ukraine’s Election Is Pivotal
Ukrainian Weekly
Russia’s democracy falters; Bush watches
Akron Beacon Journal
Post-Soviet Affairs
Fall 2004
Russian Democracy Protects U.S. National Interests
Eurasia Outlook
Russia’s Glass Is Half Full and Leaking
RFE/RL Political Weekly
Alyans ne vyzhil
Moskovskie Novosti
Rossiya: blizhaishee desyatiletie
Putin and Democratization
The Putin Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain
Russians as Joiners: Realists and Liberal Conceptions of Postcommunist Europe
After the Collapse of Communism
After the Collapse of Communism: Comparative Lessons of Transitions
Reconsidering Our Foreign Policy: America’s second Change in Iraq
San Francisco Chronicle
Russian Elections Show Resurgence of Nationalism
San Jose Mercury News
Manageable Nationalists?
Moscow Times
Putin’s Project Almost Completed
Nezavisimaya Gazeta
Rushing Elections Will Only Hurt Iraq
San Jose Mercury News
No Time to Stay the Course
The Washington Post
Budet li vtoroi medovyi mesyats?
Stolichnaya Vechernaya Gazeta
San Francisco Chronicle
Bush's Turn
San Jose Mercury News
The Second Russian Revolution
Russia Business Watch
We Need a Plan for Iran If We Topple Interlinked Iraq
Contra Costa Times
The Fourth Wave of Democracy and Dictatorship: Noncooperative Transitions in the Postcommunist World
World Politics
Comparative Political Studies
United States and Russia: Revised Relations
Oxford Analytica Daily Brief
This is Russia's Chance to Become a Full Partner
San Jose Mercury News
Thank You Russia
Putinskie Svechki
Moskovskii Komsomolets
The Moment of Truth for the Kremlin
Obshchaya Gazeta
West of East for Russia?
The Washington Post
Between Two Extremes
Northwestern Journal of International Relations
Summer 2001
Can Russians Be Democrats and Capitalists at the Same Time?
Russia Business Watch
Summer 2001
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics
Summer 2001
Perspectives on European Politics and Society
Spring 2001
Problematic Sovereignty: Contested Rules and Political Possibilities
Nobody Lost Russia
Winter 2000
Winter 2000
Yeltsin and Family Return
The New Leader
Post-Soviet Affairs
Summer 2000
Russia's Stalled Democracy
The World and I
Far East Challenges to Russian Federalism: Myths and Realities
Rapprochement or Rivalry? Russian-Chinese Relations in a Changing Asia
Who Won Russia
Harvard Program on New Approaches to Russian Security
Tak Kto Zhe Poteryl Rossiyu
Problems of Post-Communism
July/August 1999
Poslednii Rubikon
Foreign Policy in Russia after the Kosovo Crisis
Oxford International Review
Summer 1999
Dazhe prezidenty dolzhny igrat’ po pravilam
Russia’s PR Coup
The Washington Post
Balkan Conflict Turns Russia into Vocal Defender of the U.N.
The Changing United Nations
Political Science Quarterly
Spring 1999
Voinstvennyi liberal’nyi romantik
O chem sebe dumayut v Vashington
Constitutional Political Economy
Kosova Intervention by U.S. Will Be a Hard Sell
Reform during Revolution
Days: Tragedies and Triumphs
The Political Economy of Social Policy Reform in Russia: Ideas, Institutions, and Interests
Left Parties and Social Policy in Post-Communist Europe
The Case for American Engagement with Russia
Harvard Program on New Approaches to Russian Security
Theorizing about Post-Communist Transitions
Slavic Review
Rano stavit’ krest na Rossii
A Russia Still Redeemable
The Washington Post
Security Dialogue
Security Dialogue
Summer 1998
The Rebirth of Russian Studies
American Sociological Review
Refocusing American Policy towards Russia: Theory and Practice
Spring 1998
Security Dialogue
Spring 1998
Is Yeltsin Irreplaceable?
Analysis of Current Events
Growing Pains: Russian Democracy and the Elections of 1993
International Security
Perils of Analogizing History
St. Petersburg Times
Post-Soviet Geography and Economics
Russian Regional Elections: Presidential Primaries?
Analysis of Current Events
Формирование партийно-политической системы в России
Jan 1, 1997
The United States and Russia into the 21st Century
Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1995-1996
Russia: Transition without Consolidation
Freedom Review
Cooperaive Business Ventures between U.S. Companies and Russian Defense Enterprises
Revolutionary Thinker or Good Loser?
Philadelphia Inquirer
Clinton's Foreign Policy: The Second Term
Moscow Times
Politicheskii Razklad v Rossii Izmenilsya
Communist and Post-Communist Studies
Golosa -- oboim, strana --odnomu
Democracy's Triumph in Russia
NDI Reports
Elektoraty priserov
Prezidentskie Vybory v Rossii
Trevozhnoe leto 96-go
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
Russia Between Elections: McFaul on Parties, Platforms, and Polarization
Russia Business Watch
Revolutionary Transformations in Comparative Perspective: Defining a Post-Communist Research Agenda
Reexamining the Soviet Experience: Essays in Honor of Alexander Dallin
Russia Between Elections: What the 1995 Parliamentary Elections Really Mean
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Balance in Russian Parliament Will Be the Same
Houston Chronicle
Парламентские выборы 1995 года в России
Jan 1, 1994
Pochemu Rossiiskaya Politika Imeet Znachenie
Barking Now, Biting Later
Business Russia
Russia Aid: Not All or Nothing
Washington Times
Demilitarization and Defense Conversion
The New Russia
Political Culture and Civil Society in Russia and the New States of Eurasia
Rossiiskii Elektorat v 1993: Motivatsiya Vybora
Analiz Elektorata Politicheskikh Sil Rossii